
Quality in CARDIOlogy
Medical Informational Technology
Working group

Peer Review Process


Beeing of utter importance for filtering high quality research and for maintaining journal focus, peer review is sistematically used for all papers sent to our journal.

All papers submitted to the journal are subjected to blind, unbiased, independent critical evaluation.

Submission to first editorial decision with review comments: up to 6 weeks

Submission to publication: 1-9 months


The review process is as follows:

First an editor checks the article for its suitability to be published in the journal, according to its scope.

Next the editor assigns the article to two independent reviewers, selected based on their field of expertise to match the content of the article, to critically appraise the paper. The reviewers are selected form our database of reviewers. The article is sent to them and they are asked to perform the review. If they consider they don't have enough expertise on the article content, or if they decline the review, another reviewer is asked to help with the review.

Subsequently the reviewers assess the article, writes their comments to the author and to the editor and give their reccomendation:

At the end of the round of reviewing, the editor makes the decision: accept submission, revisions are required, resubmit for review, or decline submission. The decision will be sent to the author along with the comments from the reviewers and the editor.

The editorial process will continue with other rounds of reviewing (in case revisions are requred) till the final decision is made (to accept the article or to decline it).

In the interests of transparency, authors are informed that on average a round of reviewing takes about four weeks (The typical period of time allowed for reviewers is two weeks).